Thursday, December 15, 2016

McMinnville Public Library getting ADA-compliant automatic doors thanks to Friends of the McMinnville Library

U.S. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant doors will soon be installed in the McMinnville Public Library’s main entryway thanks to the Friends of the McMinnville Library.

At its evening meeting on Dec. 13, the McMinnville City Council approved a resolution authorizing the city manager or its designee to enter into and manage a contract for the ADA doors with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems US. The meeting was held in McMinnville Civic Center.

ASSA ABOLOY Entrance Systems US was the lone bidder for the doors. Its bid was accepted by the Friends’ board of directors during a Dec. 13 afternoon meeting on the basis of price, aesthetics, and timing of installation. That meeting was in the library.

Preliminary estimate is that the doors and installation of them will cost about $15,000.

According to its literature, ASSA ABLOY, a Swedish firm, is the “global leader in door opening solutions.”

To be installed will be Besam SL500 T67 telescoping doors. See photo posted with this story.

The bid was submitted by the Portland-based branch manager of Pedestrian Door Solutions ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems.

Each of the two motion-detected quietly-operating Besam SL500 T67 telescoping sliding doors has six panels that open in the middle, with three each sliding into each other on the right and three on the left. Literature says the door offers “optimal energy efficiency, including insulated glass, magnetic catches and Besam EcoDoor seals which can reduce air infiltration by as much as 40%.”

Funding for the project will be from part of a bequest to the Friends, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, from the William F. and Rosadele J. Dickman Trust, said Duane Bond, Friends president.

“When I first learned of the Dickman gift, I was quite overwhelmed by the generosity of it,” said Bond.

Jenny Berg, Library director, said the doors will be installed as soon as possible on a Monday, a day the library is always closed.

“The new ADA-friendly entrance to the library is a benefit for all library users. We are grateful for the generosity of the donor and the Friends for continuing to make the entrance of the library a welcoming place for all,” Berg said.

The library is located at 225 NW Adams St., at the corner of Adams and Third Streets.

Source: News release of 12/13/2016 from Friends of McMinnville Public Library. Contact:  Duane Bond, Friends president. 503-435-1053