Friday, July 7, 2017

No McMinnville Turkey Rama sit-down turkey meals in 2017!

The July 4, 2017, print edition of the McMinnville N-R/News-Register reports on page one the 57th Turkey Rama, “McMinnville’s signature summer bash,” July 7-8, 2017.
Subheading headline to the story reads,
“One of the changes: BBQ turkeys, but no meals at Wortman Park this year.”

The story says Saturday’s (July 8, 2017) signature event, the World’s Largest Turkey BBQ at Wortman Park, a “mouth-watering nod to the county’s former status as the state’s largest turkey producer” will “not offer sit-down meals this year. Organizers framed those as cost-cutting moves.”

No McMinnville Turkey Rama sit-down turkey meals in 2017!

No matter the location of Turkey Rama – it used to be held in downtown McMinnville with turkeys grilled on Third Street – sit-down turkey meals always went hand-in-hand with the grilling of turkey.

No McMinnville Turkey Rama sit-down turkey meals in 2017!

The subhead should have read:

“Turkey Rama goes ‘cold turkey,’ axes sit-down meals!”

If the time honored, historic sit-down meals of Turkey Rama had to be put in the dustbin of history, couldn’t 2017 Turkey Rama have done it differently? Turkey Rama could have had and promoted sit-down turkey meals at 2017 Turkey Rama as the final, historic not to be missed finale. Could have charged a higher  price for those final sit-down meals, too.

No McMinnville Turkey Rama sit-down turkey meals in 2017!

Postscript - Yes, turkey halves will be barbecued and sold in 2017. But, no McMinnville Turkey Rama sit-down turkey meals in 2017!
