Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Linfielder SHELLY SORENSEN SANDERLIN, Class of 1983


Shelly earned earned B.A. degree in mass communications from Linfield College in 1983.

(Photo from August 2021 McMinnville FBC “The Tidings

August 2021 issue of “The Tidings” newsletter of McMinnville First Baptist Church includes about Shelly Sorensen Sanderlin includes:

--She was “born in Oakland, CA where her parents were in the Navy. They decided to move to McMinnville when Shelly was just turning one, and because they didn’t have electricity, they ate tuna fish sandwiches on her first birthday, or so the story goes! In the first few weeks they were in town, Shelly’s mom was visited by Anita Rogers, a Welcome Wagon associate, who introduced them to FBC which they soon decided to join. Shelly was put on what was called the ‘Cradle Roll’ until she was old enough to join the church as a member herself. She attended Newby and Cook elementary schools, the ‘old’ Junior High, and McMinnville High School. Her working career started in third grade when she was picked up in a bus driven by FBCer Nancy Singletary to pick strawberries during the summer. Shelly was involved in the high school theater and music programs. While in high school she also worked at the Thrifty Grill (which was in the building where Pura Vida Restaurant is currently located) and at the Rocket CafĂ© which was owned by her dad. As a student at Linfield, Shelly was a Mass Communication major and she had an internship at the News[1]Register at the classified ads desk. She played flute in the concert band, bass guitar in the Jazz band and sang in the choir. “


Jan 10, 2008, story McMinnville N-R/News-Register about the “Old Oak” crashing to its death on the Linfield College campus includes:

--“Workers in the (Linfield College President’s Office) heard the crash, momentarily mistaking it for thunder. One floor below, in the basement of Melrose Hall, 1983 graduate Shelley Sanderlin though she was hearing thunder or the rumble of a truck on Highway 99W.”