Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Paper cranes of peace at First Baptist Church

Paper cranes of peace at First Baptist Church

Raising funds for the WFC/World Friendship Center, a peace organization in Hiroshima, Japan, is focus of a Peace & Joy art exhibit and concert at McMinnville’s First Baptist Church.

Some 1,000 colorful paper peace cranes – made by church members and others – are hanging from the church’s sanctuary ceiling. They will be hand-delivered by church member Malachi Nelson to the WFC’s Children’s Memorial.

Nelson will soon become WFC assistant director. He will serve for two years. JoAnn Sims, church member and event chair, and her husband, Larry Sims, are former WFC directors.

JoAnn Sims said the Peace & Joy events are reflective of the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the U.S. east coast and “because little acts can add up to make a big difference.”

The Peace & Joy art exhibit will be held 1-5 p.m., Thur. Oct. 14 through Sun., Oct 17, in the church’s chapel Room.

Sanctuary of the church, 125 S. E. Cowls St., will be site of the Peace & Joy concert featuring singer/songwriter Michael Stern. The concert will take place 7-9 p.m. Sat., Oct. 16.

Guitarist/singer Stern, Seattle, incorporates lyrical themes of “peace, diversity and spirituality” in his presentations, said Sims.

Joining Stern will be banjo player/vocalist William Jolliff, Newberg. He mixes his presentations with songs and commentary.

Their music will lighten our spirits (and) inspire us to be peace-makers,” said JoAnn Sims.

During the concert, a free will offering will be taken. Funds will be given to the WFC, one of the church’s international missions.


“Peace and Joy Concert and Art Exhibit, McMinnville First Baptist Church, 125 S. E. Cowls St., Sat., Oct. 16, 2021, 7-9 p.m. with musician Mike Stern; free will offering accepted. Art show runs Oct. 14-17, 1-5 p.m. daily, featuring local artists.”


Photos/video clip:

Frosty Lay works with paper cranes in McMinnville First Baptist Church sanctuary on 10/12/2021 morning. Photos/video by Mac News on Oct. 12, 2021. Photo of FBC readerboard, Oct.8, 2021.


Below are Mac News photos taken Oct. 15, 2021, near or in the McMinnville FBC chapel. 


=Olga Santiago's "Balsamroot and Lupines" providing a view "perched high about the Columbia River Gorge at Rowena Crest."

=JoAnn Sims, Peace & Joy art exhibit and concert organizer, with her painting depicting the Yaquina Bay Bridge on the Oregon coast in Newport. 

=An illuminated Japanese lantern made by Kyle Sims, son of JoAnn and Larry Sims.