Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Women business owners chime in on McMinnville Magic

 Women business owners chime in on McMinnville Magic

By Emily Grosvenor, CRUSH, Visit McMinnville, March 2023

If there were a phrase about McMinnville's famous historic boulevard, it would be this: "Women hold up half of Third Street." Here are a handful of McMinnville's women business owners taking the pulse of what's new, what's fun, and what their customers love. Whether they are right on the main drag or in the emerging hotspots, ladies love local!


Sylla McClellan, Third Street Books

Years in business: 19

Why she does it: "I love books. It's easy to sell something that you genuinely care about. And I love that we have customers from all ages and aspects of the community.

McMinnville: "There's a little bit of magic in this town. I attribute it to the love people have for it. People want to be a part of that."

What customers love: "At the moment, cozy novels and metaphysical books are hot."


Tayler Brisbin, Mes Amies

Years in business: New owner (5 as manager)

Why she does it: "It's so rewarding to see people's faces light up when they come into the shop. I love the human connections, and also the storytelling aspect of retail."

I moved here 20 years ago, and the moment I stepped out of the car I was like 'oh yeah, this is definitely home.' Third Street is a big part of that. It is such a supportive business community."

What customers love: "We have an amazing selection of jewelry at the moment, which is great because it always fits! I've been able to bring back a few of my favorite clothing lines like Prairie Underground, Curator, and Elk the Label."


Linda Hays, Hopscotch Toys

Years in business: 19

Why she does it: "What motivates me is actually the local economy. Getting kids' hearts connected to their community through commerce, letting them realize in some small way that we are here for them, and that we get to keep being here because of the choices our community members make to spend their money with us. It's big stuff."

McMinnville: "Deep roots. I have five siblings that grew up here - three of us are still here. I am so attached to McMinnville as a place that it feels a little sickly obsessive sometimes. I love drawing lines between people and understanding more strands in the web of community."

What customers love: "As far as products go, unique really soft plush is big this year, so is candy. But, what people are craving is relationship. To be on the inside of things."

Haley Queen, Sustainable Rituals
Years in business: 3

Why she does it: "I've always had a passion to care for our environment, I started living with less plastic in my own home and wanted a way to help others do the same. For me taking care of the Earth is so important, it gives us) food, water, and so much more. If we 1 want to live healthy lives, we need the 3 Earth to be healthy as well."

McMinnville: "We moved here seven years ago and have been in love ever since, we love the community and support from this amazing town. It's just got this magic to it!"

What customers love: "We offer a bulk refill bar for people to fill up on household items like dish soap and laundry soap, customers love bringing in their own containers and filling up

Kathleen Stoler, La Rambla

Years in business: 21

Why she does it: "I thought I could simplify my life by opening a restaurant and living above it... not sure what I was thinking! But it has been such a pleasure to meet customers from all over the world and the great local residents and winemakers."

McMinnville: "The Yamhill Valley has been a wonderful place to grow my business with the outstanding support from customers and fellow businesses. I treasure my fabulous staff and consider them family."

What customers love: "Guests love the NW-inspired Spanish Cuisine, craft cocktails, local beer and our large wine list focusing on Oregon and Spanish wines."

Emily Grosvenor is author of Find Yourself at Home: A Conscious Approach to Shaping Your Space and Your Life (available for pre-order).